Snowdrop / Multiple Sclerosis Centre, Mid Argyll.
Registered Charity No. SC020476
Eat Well Age Well - Small Ideas, Big Impact Fund –Round 2 Recipients
We were pleased to be awarded funding to run two small, local food and activity projects which include volunteering, cooking, meal provision and delivery. The projects span evening and weekends and are run from the MS Centre with an outreach service reaching older people unable to come to the centre.
We also use the malnutrition awareness toolkit to identify older members of our community at risk of malnutrition.

We prepare 3 large pots of soup per week to give out to our members that we have identified as benefitting from receiving homemade soup, as well members of our community. Our members also tell us about any neighbours that they have who may also benefit from soup and a chat and they kindly deliver fresh soup to them for us.
We also have nutritious, smoothie making workshops. These workshops are fun, informative and have been beneficial to people who are elderly and/or caring for an elderly relative or people with long term conditions.